Q: Does ACA Health offer travel Insurance?


We are pleased to announce that our new partner TravelCard Insurance is now offering ACA Health members travel insurance!

Whether you are travelling in Australia or overseas, travel insurance saves you the worry of unexpected medical and travel expenses if things do not go according to plan. ACA Health has partnered with TravelCard Insurance offering quality cover options at competitive prices covering you for the following:

  • Overseas Medical and Dental Expenses
  • Cancellation or Holiday Deferment
  • Emergency Travel Arrangements and Accommodation
  • Lost or Stolen Luggage, Personal Effects, Travel Documents and Money
  • Rental Vehicle Accident Excess
  • Nil $ Excess
  • Most Sporting/Entertainment Activities
  • Extra Travel Covers also available, including travel delay, missed connection, legal expenses and more.

It is important when considering cover that you not only consider the premium but also the product coverage.  All benefits and covers are subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions listed in the Product Disclosure Statement and on other policy documentation, including the schedule.  It is important that you read the PDS to determine differences in cover in areas of your individual needs.

If you want to learn more about Travel Insurance call TravelCard on 1300 123 108.

If you are travelling overseas for more than 4 months, you could also save money by suspending your ACA Health membership by calling the team on 1300 368 390 or completing a suspension form.

Q: Are there government incentives for joining a private healthcare fund?


In recognition of the contribution that those with private health insurance are making to their own healthcare costs, the Federal Government provides a rebate on health insurance to all Australians eligible for Medicare.

You can receive the rebate as either:

  • a premium reduction through ACA Health Benefits Fund; or
  • a refundable tax rebate in your annual tax return

The rebate is age and income tested. Please click here for age and income tier levels.

Q: Why isn’t Medicare enough?


Medicare offers you treatment in a public hospital and that may mean a long waiting list. You will also not be able to choose your own healthcare provider.

If you choose to be a self-insured private patient, Medicare pays a percentage of the schedule fees for private inpatient medical treatment such as those provided by surgeons and anesthetists. As their fees can often be well above the scheduled fees, the resulting gap for you to pay can sometimes be quite large.

Finally, Medicare doesn’t cover those ‘extras’ which arise in life such as dental, optical, and physio treatments.



Q: Why do I need private health insurance?


Only private health insurance can give you the freedom and control to decide when, where and by whom, hospital and general treatments will be provided to you and your family.

With private health insurance, you gain the benefits of:

  • shortened or no waiting lists
  • coverage for the ‘medical gap’ balance – the payment required after the Medicare benefit and the schedule for private in-hospital medical services
  • extras, such as dental, optical and orthodontic, physiotherapy, ambulance and many other important services.