Q: Can I go on Suspension while I wait for Centrelink to organise my case?


ACA Health will acknowledge the date of suspension where a member has called and notified ACA Health of an intended membership suspension and/or returned a completed ACA Health Membership Suspension Application Form and receives the member’s Centrelink document. Whichever document has the earlier date, ACA Health will accept this as the date of suspension. The Membership Suspension Application Form is available here.

Q: Will I need to make catch up payments if I suspend my membership?


No contributions are due or payable during the period of suspension.

Q: If I suspend my membership, do I need to serve the waits when COVID-19 is over?


No waiting periods will apply on recommencement of the membership if all waiting periods were served at the time of suspension. Please Note: Suspension Rules Apply.

Q: Can I suspend part of my policy? I.e. Suspend the hospital and still access chiro/dental


No. Fund rules allow for an entire policy to be cancelled not parts of. However, you can cancel your Ancillary cover and keep your Hospital cover or vice versa.

Q: How can I apply to ACA Health for suspension?


Complete and return to the Fund the approved Membership Suspension Application Form and associated documents as required by the Fund. Please Note: A membership may not be suspended unless the premiums have been paid to the date of departure or date of commencement of any income support payment.

Q: How long can I suspend my ACA Health Membership for?


A maximum period of suspension of up to 2 years may be allowed – but only while the Policy Holder/Spouse continues to receive a Government income support allowance. Periods beyond this will count towards “leave of absence” under the Lifetime Health Cover Legislation.