Q: What Do I Need to Consider When Deciding Whether to Drop Hospital or Ancillary from My Cover Due to Financial Hardship?


Maintaining a good hospital cover is important as hospital admissions are very expensive. It is important to remember that Private Hospital admissions are chargeable right now and when this pandemic is over all waiting lists will be even longer. In comparison to the expense of anything you could possibly require and is claimable under an extras product would not amount to the expense of a hospital admission.

Letting your general treatment cover (Complete Ancillary) go until you can afford to pick it up again will save around $100.00 a month for singles and $200 for couples and families. We know it is the best product in the market with great benefits so the waiting periods of 2, 4 and 9 months isn’t too long to wait and well worth it.

Q: What payment plan options are available for a member while still being able to claim benefits?


Every member’s financial position is different. Please call our Membership Team to discuss your current situation.

Q: How long can I be unfinancial for until you terminate my membership?


ACA Health may terminate a membership where a Policy Holder is in arrears in their premium payments by 3 months or more. Please Note: ACA Health is not obligated to pay benefits if a policy is in arrears.

Q: What is financial hardship?


Financial hardship is defined as being on a Government short term income support payment paid by Centrelink including Youth, Jobsearch, Newstart and Sickness Allowances.

Q: How can ACA Heath assist members now and into the future who are unemployed due to the coronavirus crisis?


ACA Health has rules in place to assist members who are experiencing financial hardship. The Fund may approve the suspension of an entire policy for a minimum of 12 weeks where a Policy Holder has held the policy for a minimum of 12 months. Terms and conditions apply (details are in the general policy rules).

Q: What do ACA Health have in place for those of us who now have a cash flow crisis because of coronavirus?


At ACA Health we understand that at times circumstances can mean that money can be tight. ACA Health offer a range of product options you can choose from to keep you covered. If you are having difficulty making payments for a longer term, you may need to consider another product option to meet your financial requirements. If it is for a shorter term, please contact our Membership Team to setup a payment plan.